Stacy Short » Counselor's Corner

Counselor's Corner

Ms. Stacy Short, School Counselor
The goal of Altama Elementary School's counseling program is to provide students in grades K-5 with a comprehensive and developmental education that will support and enhance the academic, social, and emotional growth of each student. The elementary counseling program assists students to develop respect, restraint, and responsibility through the following:
* Skills for effective learning
* Understanding Feelings and Getting Along with Others
* Personal Safety
* Successful Coping Strategies and Behaviors
* Effective Communication Skills
* An Awareness of the World of Work
These goals are accomplished through individual counseling sessions, small group counseling sessions, classroom guidance lessons, and school-wide character education.
As the counselor of Altama, I work with teachers, parents, and students, as well as community members to ensure success for all of the members of the Altama family. If you have a need or concern, feel free to contact me at 264-3563 or [email protected]