Stacy Short » Something for Everyone

Something for Everyone

Fun Brain - Games are sorted by grade and categories include things like Math Baseball, Funbrain arcade, Grammar Gorillas, Dare to be Square, and more. Games are also searchable by subject: Geography, Art, Languages, Math, Music, Science, and Technology.
Family Games - A great place to find fun, nonviolent games, quizzes, and software.
My Hero - Information on a wide variety of people who have achieved great things and made a difference in the world. Log on to the site to nominate your own hero.
The Giraffe Project - The Giraffe Project works to inspire K-12 students to be courageous, active citizens. Their site includes helpful resources and extraordinary stories about heroes of all ages who are willing to stuck out their necks to help others.
American Kennel Club - Check out the Kid's Corner for a lot of fun and information.
All About Dogs - This site offers dog care for kids. It also features riddles, poetry, careers with dogs, and scavenger hunts.